
Communications Engineering CE171 Graduation Project/Thesis Oral Defense Schedule 2021
2021年05月17日 21:11 发布人:CE 阅读次数:    

Communications Engineering CE171 (International Students)

Graduation Project/Thesis Oral Defense Schedule 2021

Graduation project/thesis oral defense for Communications Engineering Year 2017 (CE171) final year students will be arranged this semester. All the CE171 international students in Communications Engineering should attend on time.

Time: 11:30 Saturday, May 22nd, 2021. Please prepare at least half an hour early.

Venue: C1-517

The Oral defense Procedures:

1. The documents include the process management materials (assignment book, literature review, thesis proposal), and graduation thesis should have filenames in the form of student ID file content, e.g., 917*222000 assignment book. The format of the documents should comply with the requirements from the school and the university.

2. Students should submit the process management materials and the thesis in word and pdf to the supervisor before May 20th, 2021. Only upon receiving the supervisor’s approval can the student enter the oral defense stage.

3. Oral defense: Each student will have 15 min to present the graduation project/thesis with PPT slides, demonstration of the work, followed by a 15-min question and answer session.

4. Hardware should be demonstrated with power on. Software program should be demonstrated with operation.  Other types of graduation project/thesis should also show the results on the spot.

5. Students should submit process management materials and thesis in hardcopy during the oral defense. Comments and signatures in the process management materials should be manually filled in by the supervisor. Requirements: soft-binding, black and white, A4, at your own cost.

6. After the oral defense, students should revise the documents according to committee comments and submit the hardcopy and softcopy of the final documents.

Members of the Oral Defense Committee and Venue:

Chairperson: Dr. Liang Chi

Members: A/P Xinhua Wang, Dr. Zhongpeng Wang, Dr. Yang Zhou
